Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21st Workout

Today I was unexpectedly home with my baby girl (my mom was sick with a migraine so I was without childcare), so I squeezed in today's workout while running a few errands that will help us get out of town for our vacation sooner.

After filling up the car with gas, I took it to get the tires rotated and balanced. It was about 2:10 and the guy said it would be ready in about an hour. While we were waiting, I put Charlotte in the stroller and proceeded at a brisk walk down to the corner of Grand and 17th Street. I crossed the street and walked through the CVS/Food4Less shopping center there that takes up the whole block from 17th to 21st. I walked down 21st to Hathaway and then made a U-turn and retraced most of my steps. It was hot and I didn't feel up to running, so I kept up the brisk walking pace throughout.

Then, the Goodwill's airconditioning called to me, and I thought I could pass the rest of the time browsing. I let Charlotte play with some of the baby toys they had on display: a push-toy airplane, and an activity table. Then we looked through the books and I picked up two novels to read on vacation: one by Amy Tan (I remember liking Joy Luck Club so thought I'd give her another try), and another one that is a retelling of the Robin Hood story from Maid Marian's perspective. Finally, we hunted through the racks of kids' clothes for summery outfits in Charlotte's size. I found a green gingham seersucker dress, a green and pink seersucker pantsuit and a little pink romper. Altogether, our purchases set me back $13. I love Goodwill!

I checked the mileage of my route with Google Maps' walking directions -- just about 1 mile. Unfortunately, no timer or watch so I have no idea what my pace was. It was 3:30 by the time we crossed the street and got back to the tire store though.

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